you do need to talk about to her and with doctor if she is having any issue. I know some find strange but this not as bad or as other said strange. But I just really don't know what to do about this. If this is actually some kind of normal thing, i don't want to critisise or make her feel bad for doing it. Now what I am really worried about is safety, could this cause some kind of permanent harm, and should I have a councelor look at her. She always wears clothes, but this is very strange isn't it? I looked up online about this, thinking my daughter had some very bizarre disorder, but instead found that alot of girls do this same thing. So yesturday i got on her computer, as I usually never do, don't want to be a nosey mom, and i found a folder that has dozens of videos of her inflating her belly like a balloon. I was past her bedtime, and when she turned around to walk back to her room, she looked pregnant. I hadn't thought much of it at the time, other than 'Why would she have this here?' well a few days ago i noticed her going to the refrigerator for something to drink. But a couple months ago I found and air pump in her room cleaning, it was hidden in her jewelry box under the bed. I had figured it was just her starting her period. I had notcied for the last 6 months or so, that her belly appeared differently from day to day, sometimes flat, sometimes really bloated.
I just recently found out that my daughter has been inflating her belly.